Who We Are
School Psychologists have specialized training in evidence-based approaches to assessing and supporting students’ learning, behavior, social skills, and mental health. They are also trained to support systems-level services, such as school-wide and district-wide approaches. School Psychologists work collaboratively with the Inclusion Support Team, School-Based Staff, Families, and Community Service Providers.
School Psychologists have a minimum of a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology and are certified by the BC Association of School Psychologists (BCASP: https://bcasp.ca/ )
What We Do
School Psychologists provide supports at multiple levels/tiers, to support healthy school/classroom climates for all students and to provide more individualized supports and assessments for a smaller portion of students.
Supports at a broader level (for all students):
- Professional Development for School Staff
- Involvement in School-Wide Initiatives
Supports for some students presenting with needs:
- Formal Observation/Consultation of specific students
- General consultation with school staff and teachers about needs present in their classroom
Supports for fewer students whose needs have yet not been fully addressed through available school-based supports and assessments:
- Psychoeducational Assessment
- Social-Emotional/Behavioral Assessment
**Note: Assessments and formal consultations/observations only occur after informed consent from parent(s)/guardian(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s) are always involved in the process
Referral Criteria
Referrals are made by school-based teams, in consultation with parents/guardians and with the School Psychologist.
Possible reasons for referrals:
- Ongoing academic needs that have not been fully responsive to school-based supports and interventions
- Ongoing behavior or social-emotional needs that have not been fully responsive to school-based supports and interventions
- Re-assessment (as recommended by the original assessing Psychologist)
- Assessments to inform transitions into adulthood for students with complex or developmental needs
Possible interventions to date, prior to a referral for an assessment:
Typically, available school-level supports are implemented in response to student need and psychology assessments are sought only when more information is needed for determining appropriate supports or for determining the need for an Individualized Education Plan.
- It is essential that a student’s vision and hearing have been assessed
- Classroom-based accommodations/strategies
- Academic Interventions (i.e., Read by Three, technology-assisted remediation programs, small group support) and accommodations (i.e., assistive technology, allowing the student to show learning in other ways).
- Curriculum-Based Assessment / Level B Assessment
- Functional Behavioral Assessment / Positive Behavior Support Plan
- Social-emotional learning programs (i.e., FRIENDS, Zones of Regulation)
- Consultation with Inclusion Support Teacher / School Psychologist
- Involvement of community professionals (i.e., Physicians, Pediatricians, Community Mental Health)
School Psychologists Services Brochure
For referral to District Psychologist Dr Britton-Rumohr -