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Who We Are

Kootenay Lake School District SLPs are specially trained professionals who have earned a master’s or doctoral degree and are registered with the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC. SD8 SLPs provide screening, assessment, intervention and consultation in and support the understanding and use of language, speech, voice, fluency, augmentative communication, literacy and social communication.

What We Do

  • Prevention of communication disorders
  • Identification of students at risk for later problems
  • Assessment of students’ communication skills
  • Evaluation of the results of comprehensive assessments
  • Development and implementation of IEPs Documentation of outcomes
  • Collaboration with teachers and other professionals
  • Advocacy for teaching practices
  • Participation in research projects
  • Supervision of assistants

SLPs work with students in a variety of ways:

  • Combine communication goals with academic and social goals
  • Integrate classroom objectives
  • Help students understand and use basic language concepts
  • Support reading and writing
  • Increase students’ understanding of texts and lessons

Services can vary depending on student needs:

  • Monitoring or periodic screening
  • Collaborating and consulting
  • Classroom-based services
  • Small group or individual sessions
  • Speech classrooms

Referral Criteria

Possible reasons for referrals may include:

  • Difficulty with speech  sounds/voice/fluency
  • Difficulty with receptive/expressive/social language
  • a suggestion in a report from the school-based team or community professional
  • Parent concerns regarding speech and/or language

Possible Interventions to date:

  • Discussion with school SLP
  • Pre-school SLP intervention
  • SLP intervention at previous school


Speech Language Pathology Services Brochure

Inspiration for Core Vocabulary